Prepare to be delighted by the charming and heartwarming Popovich Comedy Pet Theater in Las Vegas! This family-friendly show features the incredible talents of Gregory Popovich and his furry friends, including dogs, cats, birds, a miniature horse, and more.
As the show unfolds, you’ll witness a delightful blend of comedy, circus acts, and adorable animal performances. From juggling and gymnastics to acrobatics and jump rope routines, there’s something for everyone furry friend lover to laugh and melt over. Gregory Popovich, a fifth-generation circus performer, takes center stage alongside his talented pets, captivating audiences with his skills and endearing personality.
Each pet has a unique and amazing backstory, having been rescued from animal shelters and given a new lease on life. Throughout the show, you’ll be amazed by the extraordinary abilities of the animals and touched by their heartwarming stories of resilience and transformation.
Plus, with Gregory Popovich’s extensive experience in the circus world and his commitment to animal welfare, you can rest assured that you’re in for a high-quality and ethical entertainment experience.
- Tickets starting at $29 USD + fees
- 70 minutes – No intermission
- Playing from Tuesday to Saturday at 2:30pm
- No age restrictions. Lap sitting is allowed for children ages 2 and under.
- The use of cameras and audio/video devices are strictly prohibited, and smoking is not allowed in the theater.
Watch the trailer: