This extraordinary live show, hailed as the “Best New Act in America” by America’s Got Talent, offers an immersive experience that you’ve probably never seen before. Founded by the visionary dancer and software engineer Miral Kotb, iLuminate introduces a groundbreaking blend of dance and technology that has captivated audiences worldwide.
At the heart of iLuminate’s mesmerizing performance is its cast of the country’s top dancers and choreographers, each contributing to the creation of an awe-inspiring visual and auditory journey. The narrative unfolds within the confines of “Club iLuminate,” where every scene transforms into a new “room,” showcasing a blend of music, dance, illusion, technology, and comedy.
The technological marvel of iLuminate lies in its customized LED suits, each equipped with wireless lighting programs that synchronize with the choreographed dance moves. These dynamic suits create extraordinary lighting effects, turning the dancers into living, pulsating works of art.
Having secured a finalist spot on America’s Got Talent, iLuminate has now found a permanent home in Las Vegas, allowing audiences to witness the magic firsthand.
This exceptional dance group has not only graced the stages of popular television shows like Dancing with the Stars, the X-Factor, Good Morning America, and The Ellen DeGeneres Show but has also shared the spotlight with renowned artists such as The Black Eyed Peas, Chris Brown, and Christina Aguilera on prestigious award programs like The American Music Awards, MTV’s Video Music Awards, and BET Awards.
- Tickets starting at $59 USD + fees. The STRAT Hotel, Casino & Tower hotel guests receive 30% off.
- 75 minutes – No intermission
- For audiences 5 years and older
- The use of cameras and audio/video devices are prohibited
- No bags will be permitted into the venue except for small purses (8″x8″ max). Backpacks of any size are not allowed. Guests will need to check their bags in at the bell desk or return prohibited items to their rooms. Strobed lighting effects and haze effects are used in this show.
Watch the trailer: